The world of centenarians in a Brazilian rest home seems to consist only of fragments - of close-ups and views through peepholes. Every day is the same, and they have lost track of their situations. Sometimes the nursing staff comes by to wash or shave the elderly people. Their eyes always stay outside the frame, however, which makes it hard to see their individual will or personality. The residents do nothing - they just keep quiet. Apparently doped up, they appear to be waiting for the end, their lives accompanied by the constant drone of the nearby highway.
Gregorio Graziosi (1983) and Thereza Menezes (1985) are cinema students in São Paulo, Brazil. ‘Saba’ is their first film.
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2006, 15', color, video
Directed by:
Gregorio Graziosi
Gregorio Graziosi
Edited by:
Thereza Menezes, Noelle Rodrigues
Igor Arthuzo
Gregorio Graziosi, Thereza Menezes
Produced by:
Gregorio Graziosi, Thereza Menezes