International Competition

Voyage in G Major

Georgi Lazarevski

Aimé has been planning his trip to Morocco for forty years. He has read all the guides, marked all the maps and taken a host of notes. Yet his wife adamantly refuses to go with him. Aimé is finally 93 years old when his grandson, director and photographer, decides to take him to Morocco. Whilst his wife, back at home, talks frankly about her life, the camera watches Aimé rediscover life, the world and others. He talks about his regrets, the missed opportunities and the lessons he has learnt in life. A bittersweet journey full of fleeting happiness, regrets and hopes for the future.

Georgi Lazarevski

Georgi Lazarevski was born in Brussels in 1968. A graduate from the Louis Lumière School, he alternates photography with film as cinematographer. He has won awards for his photographic work. At the same time, he makes short and medium-length documentaries for NGOs: ‘Guerre et Peigne’ in Croatia in 1996, ‘Visages’ filmed in Gaza in 1997 and ‘L’un pour l’autre’ filmed in Mali, Gaza and Bosnia.

General sponsor

Voyage en Sol Majeur

2006, 54', color/bw, video

Directed by:
Georgi Lazarevski

Screenplay by:
Masja Novikova

Ramzan Mezhidov, Vladas Naudzius, Masja Novikova

Edited by:
Jean Coudsi, Catherine Gouze

Dvorak, Bach, Mendelssohn

Juliette Guigon, Patrick Winocour

Produced by:
Quark Productions