Regional Competition


Mladen Ćapin

Sensations produced by media are a common thing today, but if it becomes a rule then we have to ask a question of their reliability and of truth they show us. Incompetence, yellow press and half-information are main products of this media concept. In this documentary we discover chronology of events, media analysis and society’s reaction to bird influenza story, now long forgotten, but at the time it spread a big panic and all - for nothing.


Mladen Ćapin

Mladen Ćapin was born in Karlovac. He holds a degree in history and philosophy. Since 2000 he has been working as a screenwriter and director with the Documentary Department, Croatian Radiotelevision. He has made around 40 documentary programmes and films produced by HRT. His focus is on social and psychological stories and portrayals of ordinary people, their professions, passions and destinies.

General sponsor


2006, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Mladen Ćapin

Mario Britvić

Edited by:
Robert Petrinec