Controversial Dox

Carla’s List

Marcel Schüpbach

Inside the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, a woman is fighting to get the last fugitive war criminals under arrest. They are called Ratko Mladic, Radovan Karadzic, and Ante Gotovina. Her name is Carla Del Ponte. For the very first time, a camera has been allowed behind the scenes of the ICTY, and follows day by day the work of the Attorney General and his team. The journey brings us from The Hague to New York, from Belgrade to Washington, Zagreb or Luxemburg, in a thrilling atmosphere of manhunt, gambling and risk. We follow her quest between truth and lies, between success and deceived hopes, fake news, and lobbying.

Marcel Schüpbach

Born on the 4th of August 1950, Marcel Schüpbach is originally from the small town of La- Chaux-de-Fonds, he lives in Lausanne, where he studied literature. He started shooting his own short films at age fifteen. He then worked as a cameraman or film-editor assistant in several dozen Swiss films. Since 1984, he has been collaborating regularly, in parallel with cinema, to news magazines of the Swiss French Television. 

General sponsor

La liste de Carla

2006, 95', color, 35 mm

Directed by:
Marcel Schüpbach

Screenplay by:
Marcel Schüpbach

Denis Jutzeler

Edited by:
David Monti

Michel Wintsch

Jean-Louis Porchet, Gérard Ruey

Produced by:
CAB Productions, Jean-Louis Porchet