Controversial Dox

Tender’s Heat. Wild Wild Beach

Susanna Baranzhieva, Vitaly Mansky, Alexander Rastorguev

According to a drunk, middle-aged woman who always wanted to be an actress, ‘Happiness is when someone understands you, when someone loves you’. Her equally inebriated boyfriend is so jealous that he smacks her time and again. Director Alexander Rastorguev follows the tragicomic couple during their summer holiday by the sea. But he also directs his camera at other seaside visitors, like the man earning a living on the beach with a camel, a young womaniser, and a dwarf getting married to a young woman. They are all spending the summer on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. Rastorguev observes man in all of his manifestations: fat, thin, young, old, drunk, dancing, singing, having sex and bathing in mud or in the sea. Even President Putin makes an appearance, clad in casual clothes. Quite a few fortune-seekers at the resort get caught up in a daily carrousel of sex, booze and aggression.

Susanna Baranzhieva

Susanna Baranzhieva, Vitaly Mansky and Alexander Rastorguev are Russian directors whose joined work on summer vacations at the Black Sea-shore ‘Tender’s Heat. Wild Wild Beach’ won a Special Mention Award at International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam (IDFA).


Vitaly Mansky

Vitaly Manskiy (1963, Lviv, Ukraine) graduated from VGIK in 1989 and became one of the most prominent contemporary Russian documentary filmmakers and producers. He has directed over 30 films which have been screened at almost every major festival around the world and have won over 100 international awards. He is the founder and president of the International Festival of Creative Documentary Films Artdocfest (its activity was halted in 2022 due to censorship in Russia, as well as Russia’s war against Ukraine). He is persecuted by the Russian authorities for defending his civic position


Alexander Rastorguev

Alexander Rastorguev, born in 1971, Rostov-on-Don, USSR, graduated from St. Petersburg State Theater Arts Academy. His directorial activities include documentaries: Maundy Thursday (2003), Tender’s Heat: Wild Wild Beach (2006), and I Love You (2011, co-dir. P. Kostomarov).

General sponsor

Zar nezhnykh. Dikyi, dikyi plyazh

2006, 125', color, video

Directed by:
Susanna Baranzhieva, Vitaly Mansky, Alexander Rastorguev

Edward Kechedzhiyan, Pavel Kostomarov

Edited by:
Dasha Danilova

Peter Nazaretov, Alexander Pantyukhin

Natalia Manskaya, Vitaly Mansky

Produced by:
Vertov & Co