A documentary film about Karlobag, a small coastal town with very few people, a lot of trucks and heavy winds... A sad, funny and beautiful film.

Stanislav Tomić

Stanislav Tomić was born in 1972. He graduated in film and TV directing from the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. His short film Promašaj (2001) won the Jelena Rajković Award at the Days of Croatian Film. He directed an hour-long film Father (2005) and afterwards several TV shows, with Good Intentions being particularly well received. His films have been screened at numerous festivals, in Sarajevo, Motovun, Tehran, Oberhausen, Edinburgh, Munich, Siena, Warsaw, Trieste and else- where. In 2011 he directed his first feature narrative, the war drama Josef. He made over 40 documentary films, including Graditelj brodova (2007), Delta (2006) and Noć kristala (2005).


Dalibor Matanić

Dalibor Matanić is born 1975 in Zagreb. In 1993 enrolled Academy of Drama Arts in Zagreb, Film and TV directing. Author and co-author of awarded documentaries (‘Derby’, ‘Bag’, ‘Good Luck!’, ‘When our Music Roars’), short film ‘Silence’, and features: ‘The Cashier Wants to Go to the Seaside’ (2000), ‘Fine Dead Girls’ (2002), ‘100 Minutes of Glory’ (2005), ‘I Love You’ (2006).

Tomislav Rukavina

Tomislav Rukavina was born in 1975 in Zagreb. In 1993 he graduated from Classical gymnasium in Zagreb. The same year he enrolled Academy of Drama Arts in Zagreb, Film and TV directing. Filmography: ‘Bag’ (1999), ‘Good Luck!’ (1998), ‘Metropola’ (1997), ‘Alex’ (1994), ‘Kako je Potjeh tražio istinu’.

General sponsor


1999, 20', color, 35 mm

Directed by:
Stanislav Tomić, Dalibor Matanić, Tomislav Rukavina

Mirko Pivčević

Edited by:
Marina Andree


Andrija Pivčević, Nenad Puhovski, Davor Komerički

Produced by:
Factum, Salona film, Tema, Millennium Bag