10 years of Factum

Jurić – Fortress 1999

Zvonimir Jurić

A personal view of the famous fortress in the Croatian town of Osijek, as seen by its director Zvonimir Jurić. Past (both distant and recent) and present are juxtapositioned in a very delicate, factumentary fashion.

Zvonimir Jurić

Zvonimir Jurić is born in 1971 in Osijek, where he finished elementary school and high school. In 1991/92 he studied Film and TV direction in Los Angeles at Loyola Marymount University. In 1992 he enrolled Academy of Drama Arts in Zagreb, Film and TV direction. Filmography: Sex, Booze and Short Fuse (2004, omnibus), ‘Onaj koji će ostati neprimijećen’ (2003), ‘Crnci su izdržali, a ja’ (2001), ‘Jurić – Fortress 1999’ (1999), ‘Nebo ispod Osijeka’ (1995), ‘Zločin i kazna (Zvonimir Jurić film) (1994).

General sponsor

Jurić: Tvrđa 1999

2000, 28', color, video

Directed by:
Zvonimir Jurić

Screenplay by:
Zvonimir Jurić, Selma Dimitrijević

Domagoj Lozina

Edited by:
Ivana Fumić

Nenad Puhovski

Produced by: