
Forbidden without Prohibition

Milan Nikodijević

Film analyses the censorship phenomena by talking to Yugoslav authors about painful era called ‘The Black Wave’, which is the most important and most fruitful period for film art in ex Yugoslavia. Film reveals a true ‘thriller’ story about the methods of defending the totalitarian regime taboos by using the example of prosecution of the most important Yugoslav film authors.

Our story deals with all sorts of mechanisms and bizarre circumstances in which works made during ‘The Black Wave’ film era were forbidden. The name ‘Forbidden without Prohibition’ was chosen because the only officially forbidden film was ‘Grad’ by Marko Babac. Film features Lazar Stojanović - author of ‘Plastic Jesus’ and probably the greatest metaphor of the repression – Želimir Žilnik, Dušan Makavejev, Gordan Mihić, judges, witnesses, and film operators who screened forbidden films to communist party boards. Milan Nikodijević & Dinko Tucaković

Milan Nikodijević

Milan Nikodijević is a journalist and director of Screenplay Film Festival in Vrnjačka banja in Serbia. Dinko Tucaković is a director and Belgrade Film Museum manager.