Retrospective of Indian Documentaries

Video Game

Vipin Vijay

A unique Indian road movie. The film maker undertakes a journey to locations used on a previous 35mm film. He takes his video camera along and makes a personal on-the-road contemplation about life and its passing nature. The car he uses to cross the expanse of land is also wonderful: a 1980s ‘Hindustan’ Mark III Ambassador. This too does not escape the reflections of the maker about changing times. Just like the video camera. In the very first shot, a light reflection of the handheld flashing video cassette box is recorded. It becomes apparent that this is an early statement. ‘Video surely doesn’t retain memory, it creates illusion’, we hear the maker say a little later. Yet the film never becomes melancholy. The images are too beautiful and playful and the tone is too light-hearted. The end comes fairly suddenly. When his personal emotions threaten to get out of hand again, the last words are: ‘The game is over’. It is basically only a game.

Vipin Vijay

Vipin Vijay, 30, studied filmmaking at Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute of India, Calcutta in 2000 and went on as a research fellow at the British Film Institute, London with a Charles Wallace Arts Award. His films have been shown widely in India and abroad. At present he is working on his feature project titled the ‘Legend of the Holy Net Potato’.

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Video Game

2006, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Vipin Vijay

Screenplay by:
Debkamal Ganguly, Vipin Vijay

Vipin Vijay

Edited by:
Debkamal Ganguly

Rajiv Mehrotra

Produced by:
PSBT- Public Service Broadcasting Trust