4th ZagrebDox Awards Presented


The International Competition Big Stamp went to the American film 'War / Dance' by Sean Fine and Andrea Nix Fine. The best regional film is 'Weddings and Diapers' by Casey Cooper Johnson and Antoneta Kastrati Cooper Johnson. The Little Stamp went to American filmmaker Michael Jacobs for his film 'The Audience of One'.

International Jury

Petar Krelja, director
Asano Fujiko, film programmer
Alina Rudnickaja, director

Big Stamp - International Competition
War/Dance, Sean Fine & Andrea Nix Fine, USA

Special Mention - International Competition
Angel's Fire, Marcelo Bukin, Spain, Peru, Guatemala
52 Percent, Rafal Skalski, Poland

Regional Jury

Isabel Arrate Fernandez, Coordinator of Jan Vrijman Fund
Želimir Žilnik, director
Mima Simić, film critic

Big Stamp - Regional Competition
Weddings and Diapers, Casey Cooper Johnson & Antoneta Kastrati Cooper Johnson, USA / Kosovo

Young Jury

Igor Zelić, director
Nikola Strašek, director
Irena Čurik, dramaturg

Little Stamp – Best Film by Young Author
Audience of One, Michael Jacobs, USA

Special Mention - Young Jury
We are Humans, aren't we?, Pero Pavlović, Bosnia & Herzegovina

International Critic's Jury

Phillip Bergson, film critic
Pamela Biénzobas, film critic
Tomislav Čegir, film critic

Critic's Jury Award
The Devil Came on a Horseback, Anne Sundberg & Ricki Stern, USA
Audience of One, Michael Jacobs, USA

Special Award - Critic's Jury
4th ZagrebDox Audience

Amnesty International Jury

Diana Nenadić, film critic
Vesna Teršelič, activist
Oliver Sertić, media activist, producer and journalist

Amnesty International Award
All White in Barking, Marc Isaacs, UK

Special Mention - Amnesty International
Interrogation, Namik Kabil, Bosnia and Herzegovina

T-Com Audience Award

All White in Barking, Marc Isaacs, UK