International Competition

Angel's Fire

Marcelo Bukin

Eight year old Angel works in a brick manufacturing plant all day long. Six days a week from dawn until dusk Angel hauls materials, forms bricks and keeps track of inventory - all in the open. These inhumane conditions are all he’s known since childhood and though he hopes for a better life, he knows it’s unlikely that his future holds anything other than hard labor. In this hopeless community in Puno, Peru, the suffering of the adults often manifests itself as physical abuse toward their children and Angel is no exception.

Marcelo Bukin

Marcelo Bukin was born in Buenos Aires. At the age of nineteen after his studies in technical architecture and design he set out to Europe. Graduated with honors in film direction from Centre d’Estudis Cinematografics de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain.

General sponsor

Fuego de Angel

Spain, Peru, Guatemala
2006, 13', color, video

Directed by:
Marcelo Bukin

Screenplay by:
Marcelo Bukin

Jens Hilgendag

Edited by:
Juan Leguizamon

Antonio Zepeda

Nelson Pons

Produced by:
Rec Stop and Play/Global Humanitaria

Festivals & Awards:

IDA, Distinguished Short Documentary Award