International Competition

Knee Deep

Michael Chandler

If you travel through Maine, and leave behind the familiar coast of summer vacations, lobster rolls, and LL Bean, you find yourself in a very different Maine-- the Maine of fields, farms, work, and dirt. This is where ‘Knee Deep’ takes place and where matricide gets a modern twist in this bittersweet story of a Maine farm boy who devotes his whole life to the family farm only to have his mother take away the only world he’s ever known. Josh Osborne has a 6th-grade education, a conniving girlfriend, a sympathetic but determined district attorney, and a group of friends and family all too willing to help him with his simple plan --- Kill Mom and keep the farm. Shot over a period of two years, ‘Knee Deep’ is a real documentary--not a mockumentary-- and its characters are real people--not actors--proving once again that truth is often stranger than fiction.

Michael Chandler

Michael Chandler is an independent filmmaker and a member of the Motion Picture Academy, was nominated for an Academy Award for his editing work on Milos Forman’s ‘Amadeus’. He produced and directed the award-winning independent documentary ‘Forgotten Fires’, he has also produced many documentaries for the WGBH/PBS Frontline Series. Chandler was born in Bangor, raised in Portland, and is a graduate of Deering High.

General sponsor

Knee Deep

2007, 81', color, video

Directed by:
Michael Chandler

Screenplay by:
Michael Chandler

Michael Chandler

Edited by:
Michael Chandler

Michael Chandler, Sheila Canavan

Produced by:
An Ingonish Films, Moenkopi Group Production

Festivals & Awards:

Florida Film Festival - Grand Prix, Jury Prize - Best documentary; Hollywood Film Festival - Jury Prize - Best documentary