International Competition

On the Third Planet from the Sun

Pavel Medvedev

The North of Russia, forty-five years after testing the H-Bomb. Nature is suspended in a time-like-water, bunch of insects dog farmers while crossing silent fields, like people astray on the debris of nuclear experiments. Post-atomic realism in scenery torn away from a rotten science-fiction. On the third Planet out of Sun is set in the Russian North where people pick ‘space garbage’ out of the bog, then sell the scrap metal or use it in the housekeeping and farming. Pilgrims on their way to these sacred icons suffer greatly in the Northern forests and bogs. In Arkhangelsk, 45-yearold nuclear bomb experiments are part of day-to-day life. Pavel Medvedev extends the boundary of the creative documentary through a striking visual exploration of environmental destruction and the rebirth of a community in northern Russia.

Pavel Medvedev

Pavel Medvedev was born in 1963 in Russia. In 1990 he graduated from the Leningrad State Culture Institute named after Krupskaya. In 1992 he graduated from the Higher School for TV directors. 1993-2000 worked as a TV director in St. Petersburg. Since 2000 he’s film director at the St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio.

General sponsor

Na tretiej ot solntsa planete

2006, 30', color, video

Directed by:
Pavel Medvedev

Screenplay by:
Pavel Medvedev

Artem Ignatov, Aleksandr Gusev

Produced by:
St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio

Festivals & Awards:

Short Film Festival Oberhausen 2007. - Grand Prix