International Competition

Send a Bullet

Jason Kohn

A multilayered and blackly humorous dissection of the sprawling cycle of violence and corruption in modern day Brazil, the film follows the connections between a wily politician, Jader Barbalho, who uses a frog farm to steal billions of dollars; a wealthy businessman obsessed with bullet-proofing his cars; a plastic surgeon who reconstructs the ears of mutilated kidnapping victims; and a professional kidnapper. Magrinho, the kidnapper, nonchalantly compares the economics of abduction and drug-trafficking against those of robbing banks (his former pursuit) and plainly surmises that, in Brazil, ‘You either steal with a gun or a pen.’ Shot on 35mm over five years and spiced with pulsating Latin music, film shows how political corruption and economic disparity is ruining Brazil. 

Jason Kohn

Jason Kohn is a first-time director from New York. At twenty-three he left Errol Morris’s office to make the feature documentary ‘Manda Bala’. Although seemingly a New York Jew, Jason is actually of South American decent and is dedicated to the appreciation and production of cinema and fighting the greed and corruption.

General sponsor

Manda Bala

Brazil, USA
2006, 85', color, video

Directed by:
Jason Kohn

Screenplay by:
Jason Kohn

Heloisa Passos

Edited by:
Doug Abel, Andy Grieve, Jenny Golden

Jason Kohn, Jared Ian Goldman, Joey Frank

Produced by:
Kilo Films

Festivals & Awards:

Sundance Film Festival 2007 - Grand Jury Prize, Cinematography Award