Regional Competition

...and at the End the Ants Eat the Fish

Velimir Todorović, Rajko Ban

During the day, in a city, laborers are lured out from their dwellings, forming a living tissue. A mute faceless mass as the only justifiable reason for urban sprawl. The fragmented sounds of their work resonate with timeless potential within society, making it capable of changing as well as prone to changes.

Velimir Todorović

Velimir Todorović is born in Pula, 1976. After attending several video workshops hegained basic education in screenwriting, cinematography, and editing. This is his first work as a coauthor. Currently he’s in postproduction of another documentary. Filmography: Kulturni konglomerat Karlo Rojc (2004), ...and at the End the Ants eat the Fish (2007), Rojc (2007).

Rajko Ban

Rajko Ban was born in Dubrovnik, 1975. He is a study of psychology dropout with five years of waitering and three years of military experience. A lazy comics author currentlly working as graphic editor for a small publisher. Filmography: Prehrana i prokreacija (2006), ...and at the End the Ants eat the Fish (2007).

General sponsor

...i na kraju mravi pojedu ribu

2007, 6'

Directed by:
Velimir Todorović, Rajko Ban

Screenplay by:
Velimir Todorović, Rajko Ban

Boštjan Veselič

Edited by:
Velimir Todorović, Rajko Ban

Marko Zdravković Kunac

Produced by:
Pula film festival - Pula film factory