Regional Competition

Baba Višnjina 38

Ivan Ramljak

On 38 Baba Višnjina Street in Belgrade, there is a yard which until recently was a home to 11 families. Now, just days before the arrival of a demolition team, the only ones that have remained are a fig-tree, an apple tree and one man. Following the steps of Bore Lee from Sinj, director Ivan Ramljak has focused on oddballs and interesting fates of ordinary people. The ‘object’ of this film is a former owner of a gigolo agency and is now making ‘diet earrings’.


Ivan Ramljak

Ivan Ramljak was born in 1974. This long-time journalist currently works as a music, film and TV editor in KLIK Magazine. He used to moderate film nights in Močvara Youth Club. Apart from that he also organized lots of cultural events. In his spare time he tries to direct as much films as possible. These efforts produced two very successful amateur feature films ‘Bore Lee: In the Claws of the Big Z’ and ‘Bore Lee: Deadly Sinjs’ in 2004 and 2005, and few amateur shorts in 2006. Early this year, he is about to direct short film The Smartest Place in the Country, a part of the composite film Zagreb Stories.

General sponsor

Baba Višnjina 38

Croatia, Serbia, France
2007, 15', color, video

Directed by:
Ivan Ramljak

Screenplay by:
Ivan Ramljak

Ivan Ramljak

Edited by:
Jovana Krstanović


Srđan Keča

Produced by:
Atelje Varan Beograd