Regional Competition

Family Fortune

Tonislav Hristov

'Family Fortune’ is an intimate portrait of a Bulgarian family – the film-maker´s own – trying to make a living in the midst of unemployment and difficult circumstances. The country is joining the European Union at the beginning of 2007 and many young people have moved abroad to find better jobs and opportunities. Hristov himself has lived in Finland for eight years but the main focus of the film is on his family and their life in their homeland. The father has just lost his job after 36 years and is trying to find a new one, which proves to be hard – and there is the car equipment business his other son is trying to keep up. In a way, the family forms a metaphor for the whole country and a life that is both stable and in active motion. As tradition, history and roots are constantly colliding with the future that is uncertain for everyone, the true fortune of the family is in their shared unity and love.


Tonislav Hristov

Tonislav Hristov is a Bulgarian filmmaker, living in Finland since 2001. In 2008, he directed his first documentary film Family Fortune for YLE and Bulgarian National Television. His first feature-length documentary Rules of Single Life (2011) won the best documentary award at the Sofia International Film Festival and it was shown at many other festivals. His documentary The Good Postman (2016) was screened at ZagrebDox, Sundance and IDFA and was nominated for the European Film Awards in 2017.

General sponsor


Bulgaria, Finland
2007, 55', color, video

Directed by:
Tonislav Hristov

Screenplay by:
Tonislav Hristov

Pekka Aine, Boris Missirkov, Georgi Bogdanov

Edited by:
Helena Öst

Toni Edelmann

Kaarle Aho

Produced by:
Making Movies Oy