Regional Competition

Shattered Pieces

Jelena Bračun

Shattered Pieces are an experimental video combining animated and documentary material. Motivation for the video was the book ‘Fragments’ by author’s aunt Željka Čorak. They deal with fragments of history, persons and objects. First few sentences reveal the intention of the video:’This toying with memories of people you have never seen, remembering things that you have never knew, it’s rather neat. Like a sculptor, you get a skeleton and you fill it up. Blind memories, conversations with those you have never talked to, it was all very attractive. Like some kind of mental sculpting.’ In the video, parallel to the interview with her aunt, Jelena Bračun interprets the memories with the medium to which imagination is animation. The effect obtained is one of foggy memory intertwining with narrative reality. 

Jelena Bračun

Born 1980 in Zagreb, Jelena Bračun graduated on Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2005 (educational department) and working in private primary school ‘Nandi’ in Zagreb. Filmography: ‘Lifeline’ (2003), ‘There and Back Again’ (2004), ‘Apple doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree’ (2004) ‘Ouroboros’ (2005) , ‘Shatered Pieces’ (2007).

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2007, 9', color, video

Directed by:
Jelena Bračun

Ana Hušman, Bruno Bahunek

Edited by:
Jelena Bračun

Stanko Kovačić

Vera Robić-Škarica

Produced by: