Controversial Dox

Scorpions - Memories

Lazar Stojanović

The public first heard of the paramilitary unit ‘Scorpions’ when footage on the execution of six young Bosniaks near Trnovo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) was broadcast. For the first time, the members of the unit talk about why the Scorpions were formed and what kind of connections with the Milošević regime they had. Based on testimonies of former Scorpions and on the footage they themselves made during their operations, this film shows functioning of a typical war unit organized by Serbian security service in order to do the dirty work in the Balkan war. This is an example of a practise that has been used for decades, from the Balkans to Darfur. The film is also an attempt to make a personal aspect of a war public. The film records the testimonies of two former members of the unit, Goran Stoparić and Duško Kosanović Sova.

Lazar Stojanović

Lazar Stojanović was born in Belgrade in 1944. When his first film, Plastični Isus, was forbidden, he spent three years in prison. After release, he worked as a journalist and he produced a few theatrical pieces. Recently, he has become an American citizen. He is still active as a film director. His Skoro Srbi was made in production of B-92 television (1999). He still works on documentary productions such as Na rubu Evrope – a 2005 documentary on Kosovo. 

General sponsor

Škorpioni - spomenar

2007, 52', color, video

Directed by:
Lazar Stojanović

Screenplay by:
Lazar Stojanović

Aleksandar Ludajić

Nataša Kandić

Produced by:
Fond za humanitarno pravo