Japanese Dox


Kawase Naomi

What is family? After two years since ‘Embracing’ Naomi Kawase has woven a film of her life with her adopted mother (she calls her ‘grandma’). In the film, the everyday life of her little family is calmly narrated with the transition of four seasons and the growth of peas her ‘grandma’ planted. When she recalls her childhood memory that she used to believe snails were slugs with houses (shells), she thinks: ‘I’m a slug, a slug which, not allowed to become a snail, pretends to be a snail (‘snail’ is katatsumuri and ‘pretend’ tsumori in Japanese); and so I’m katatsumori.’ Naomi Kawase

Kawase Naomi

Kawase Naomi, born May 30, 1969 in Nara, Japan, is a Japanese film director. Many of her works have been documentaries, including ‘Embracing’, ‘Katatsumori’ and ‘Tarachime’. After graduating from the Osaka School of Photography in 1989, he became the youngest winner of la CameÅLra d’Or award (the award for the best new director) at Cannes Film Festival in 1997 for her first 35mm film ‘Moe no Suzaku’. Kawase has completed production on her fourth full-length film ‘Mogari no Mori’, which won her the Grand Prix of the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.

General sponsor


1994, 40', color, 16 mm

Directed by:
Kawase Naomi

Screenplay by:
Naomi Kawase

Naomi Kawase

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival - Award of Excellence