Retrospective of Marcel Lozinski

Seven Jews From My Class

Marcel Lozinski

A poignant portrayal of collective mentality and a search for truth in documentary film making. A documentary feature in which a ‘Model Family’ contest is run at a Union of Young Polish Socialists camp. Compliance with strict competition standards becomes a source of conflict.


Marcel Lozinski

Marcel Loziński was born in 1940 in Paris. He earned his degree in Film Directing from Łódź Film School. He has made a number of excellent documentaries, which include How It’s Done (2006), Anything Can Happen (1995), Microphone’s Test (1980), Front Collision (1975), The Visit (1974) and was nominated to the European Academy Award and American Oscar for his documentary film 89 mm from Europe (1993). For the past four years he has been the head of the documentary programme at the Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing.

General sponsor

Siedmiu zydow z mojej klasy

1992, 50', color, video

Directed by:
Marcel Lozinski

Produced by:
TVP 2nd Channel