
The Seeker

Amela Ćuhara
As the result of genocide committed in the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia, more than 15,000 persons are still missing. Amor Masovic is the president of the Missing Persons Commission who has dedicated his life to finding victims of crime. What is it like to find remains, give them names and return them to families who then lose all hope for their loved ones, and to be a husband, a father and a friend at the same time?

General sponsor


Bosnia and Herzegovina
2008, 59'

Directed by:
Amela Ćuhara

Adnan Ćuhara

Produced by:
Prime Time Produkcija


Prime Time d.o.o.
Filmska i video proizvodnja
Ljubljanska b.b, Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
T. + 387 33 718 035
F. + 387 33 718 036

Festivals & Awards:

Sarajevo Film Festival 2008; New York Euroasian Film Festival 2010 - Best Documentary