International Competition

Kassim the Dream

Kief Davidson

The improbable story of Kassim ‘The Dream’ Ouma, who was kidnapped in the north of Uganda at the age of six and forced to be a child soldier in the rebel army of Yoweri Museveni. Besides being taught to kill, he also learned to box. His ‘therapy,’ as he now calls it. By the time Ouma was 18, Museveni had already ascended to the presidency. It was then that Ouma went with the national boxing team to the United States for a championship and escaped. He had no money or connections and didn’t speak a word of English, but then he walked into a boxing school and the rest is history. Ouma was soon to become the Junior Middleweight Champion of the World. Although he has taken up permanent residence in the United States, his homeland continues to exert a force on him. Because of his escape, he hasn’t been able to return to Uganda, but he wants to give it another shot with diplomatic support from his adopted country.

Kief Davidson

Kief Davidson je nagrađivani redatelj igranih i dokumentarnih filmova. Rođen je i odrastao u newyorškom Brooklynu. Njegov najnoviji film ‘Kassim The Dream’ premijerno je prikazan na filmskom festivalu Tribeca 2008. godine. Njegov prethodni film, ‘The Devil’s Miner’, imao je svjetsku premijeru na Rotterdam Film Festivalu 2005., nakon čega je osvojio desetak nagrada na međunarodnim filmskim festivalima.

General sponsor

Kassim the Dream

Germany, USA
2008, 87', color, video

Directed by:
Kief Davidson

Tony Molina

Edited by:
Tony Breuer, Kief Davidson

Leo Heiblum, Andres Solis, Jacobo Leiberman

Vitaly Koshman, Kief Davidson

Produced by:
Believe Media, Urban Landscapes Productions

Festivals & Awards:

AFI Fest – Audience Award; International Documentary Festival Amsterdam - IDFA – Grand Jury Prize; Silverdocs - AFM Award