International Competition


Helena Třeštíková

‘Why has my shitty life turned out like this? No-one knows. Not even God. God’s on holiday and he’s reading porn’ – an excerpt from Diary of the Forgotten, the journal kept by the main protagonist in the film. With raw authenticity, the director records the luckless fate of René over a period of twenty years as he yo-yos between prison and freedom. The life of René, who successfully stylises himself in the role of a desperado, unfolds against a backdrop of important political events occurring in the Czech Republic and beyond its borders. The Velvet Revolution, the presidential election, 9/11 and the Czech Republic’s accession to the EU - all this is ‘digested’ by René mostly from the confines of various prisons. The film also traces the director’s intriguing relationship with her ‘subject of study’, who sometimes feels like a prostitute selling his life story for filthy lucre, but for whom the visits from the film crew are often his only solace.


Helena Třeštíková

Helena Třeštíková graduated in documentary direction at FAMU. She has made more than fifty documentary films since 1974. She puts emphasis mainly on interpersonal relationships and social problems. Time-lapse documentaries are her specialty, where she observes the human destiny for a longer period of time. Helena belongs to the most successful documentary filmmakers from Czech Republic, winning the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival’s Documentary competition twice (in 1998 with Sladké století, in 2015 with Mallory), winning the Czech National Award in 2010 for Katka and triumphing with the documentary René in 2008 at the European Film Awards. She won the My Generation Award at ZagrebDox 2013 with her film Private Universe. Her recent film Forman vs. Forman premiered at Cannes Film Festival in 2019.

General sponsor


Czech Republic
2008, 83', color, video

Directed by:
Helena Třeštíková

Screenplay by:
Helena Treštiková

M. Kubala, P. Pešek, S. Slušny, M. Dvorák, O. Belica, M Souček, V. Hamernik

Edited by:
Jakub Hejna

Tadeáš Verčák

Katerina Černá, Pavel Strnad

Produced by:
Negativ s.r.o.

Festivals & Awards:

2008 European Film Academy Award; 2008 Prix Arte; Jihlava IFF - Audience Award; 2008 DOK Leipzig - GOLDEN DOVE for the Best International Documentary