Regional Competition

Diagnosis S.B.H.

Enes Zlatar

Which language is ‘our language’? Do Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian really differ? Why are there bands from BiH which perform in English? Is language identity? What is the position of youth living in a sea of borrowed words and the lack of linguistic identity in BiH? The director explored this theme from his own vantage point, without any desire to prejudge the conclusion of the film.

Enes Zlatar

Enes Zlatar was born in Sarajevo in 1970. He has been in music and video since he was a teenager. He released three albums with his band ‘Sikter’. He was the author of original scores for the features ‘Go West’, ‘Grbavica’ and ‘Totally Personal’. He was twice awarded the Davorin
BiH Music Award for music video, and his short films ‘Telephaty’, ‘Smelly Spider’, and ‘Thailand’ were screened at numerous art video festivals.

General sponsor

Diagnosis S.B.H.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
2008, 42', color, video

Directed by:
Enes Zlatar

Screenplay by:
Enes Zlatar

Renato Foder

Edited by:
Enes Zlatar

Amra Bakšić Čamo

Produced by: