Regional Competition

If You Are Watching This, Mom...

Mustafa Mustafić, Dario Novalić

In agreement with the Government of Italy, in 1992 45 children from the ‘Ljubica Ivezic’ orphanage left the besieged Sarajevo. The idea was to take the children away from the war and return them home afterwards. Fifteen years later, five of them tell their stories and reveal that they never returned, that they no longer speak their mother tongue, fell nostalgic, have new friends and new families and new homeland.

Mustafa Mustafić

Mustafa Mustafić was born in 1942 in Sarajevo. Graduate of the First High School in Sarajevo, studied at the Zagreb Film Academy. Since 1965 he has worked as professional cameraman, filming features, shorts, docs and TV films and series.

Dario Novalić

Dario Novalić was born in 1964 in Sarajevo. Studied political science in Sarajevo. Owner of the ‘Start’ weekly magazine, working occasionally as a journalist.

General sponsor

If You Are Watching This, Mom...

Bosnia and Herzegovina
2008, 28', color, video

Directed by:
Mustafa Mustafić, Dario Novalić

Screenplay by:
Mustafa Mustafić, Dario Novalić

Mustafa Mustafić

Edited by:
Almir Kenović

Nedim Babović

Dario Novalić

Produced by:
Magazin Start, Panglas Sarajevo