Regional Competition


Miroslav Mikuljan

Documentary film ‘Alone’ is researching the phenomenon of not-marrying in Zumberak where the depopulation have deserted this beautiful area near Croatian capital of Zagreb. This film’s purpose is not in witnessing the social consequences of this tragic fact, but in search of the reasons for such destinies of film’s characters. What is behind that? Egoism, fear from responsibility, economic unsafety, poverty, break of traditional values, ruthless consumism, fear from life? Why so many people decides to stay alone, without family? Open hearts of this film’s characters will help us enter into the hidden world of their moral doubts, fears, loneleness, and incurable sadness.

Miroslav Mikuljan

Miroslav Mikuljan was born in Raščani near Križevci in 1943. He graduated in Film and TV Editing at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. As a member of the Zagreb Film Club he acquired the title of a Master of Amateur Film. From 1970 to 1990 he made numerous documentary films and series, several TV dramas (‘Obiteljski album’ ,’Doktorova noć’, ’Smrt godišnjeg doba’), two TV films for children, two short live-action films (‘Ponedjeljak’, ‘Nije daleko’) and two feature narratives (‘Hoću živjeti’, i ‘Crveni i crni’). For his film ‘Hoću živjeti’ in 1982 he received the ‘Studio’ weekly magazine award for best emerging director in Pula that year. The same film earned him the prestigious First Prize at the European Culture Week in Salamanca, Spain, in 1983. In 1995 he became the editor-in-chief of Croatian Television’s documentary programme. In 2002, he returned to directing art and socially involved films, such as ‘Čuvari mrtvih sela’ (2004), ‘Sam’ (2008), ‘Ljudi s mliječnog puta’ (2009) i ‘Blue Beach 2’ (2010). The film ‘Sam’ was awarded for best film below 60 minutes at the 12th OTF CRO 2008 in Split. In 2009 it was screened as an official competition entry at ZagrebDox. ‘Ljudi s mliječnog puta’ was also awarded as best film below 60 minutes at the 13th ITF CRO 2009 in Split, while at the 6th ZagrebDox it won the audience award. At Croatian Film Days in 2010 it won the critics’ award ‘Oktavijan’ for best documentary film.

General sponsor


2008, 50', color, video

Directed by:
Miroslav Mikuljan

Screenplay by:
Marija Peakić - Mikuljan

Vedran Šamanović

Edited by:
Mladen Medić

Vjeran Šalamon

Produced by:
Gral Film

Festivals & Awards:

2008 ITF’CRO - Best film up to 60 minutes