Regional Competition

Two Love Stories

Shota Bukoshi

A visit to two Roma couples in Kosova opens up a parallel world both at the margins and in the midst of Kosovar society. Snapshots from a circle of life, love, labour and loss intertwine to tell very different kinds of stories. Almost without noticing, the viewer enters these lives and is intrigued to find out more about them. The tone and the images, while overall quiet and matter-of-factly, convey a wide range of emotions and moods, from vivacious to hopeless, from light to somber and back.

Shota Bukoshi

Shota Bukoshi, born in 1983 in Prishtina, is a student of the Film Directing Department of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prishtina. She is responsible for international relations and workshop programme at Skena Up - International Students Film and Theatre Festival in Prishtina. Alongside her engagement with SKENA UP, since 2007 Shota has also been working as a Cultural Programme Officer at the Prohelvetia Swiss Cultural Programme in Kosova. Filmography: ‘Urban story’ (2006), ‘Why won’t you say anything’ (2005), ‘Say a Word John’ (2004), ‘The 8th Day’ (2004), ‘The Red Dress’ (2003).

General sponsor

Dy rrefime dashurie

2008, 25', color, video

Directed by:
Shota Bukoshi

Screenplay by:
Shota Bukoshi

Gazmend Bajri

Edited by:
Shota Bukoshi

Ilir Bajri

Produced by:
3V Studio

Festivals & Awards:

2008 Viennale - Best Film in category Short Documentary