Happy Dox

Just Like Heaven

Filip Marczewski

‘Just like Heaven’ is a poetic tale about a young couple who are looking for their natural place on Earth. It’s also a story about Europe and Poland, with its eternal exodus from East to West while many Western people, like the Dutch in this film, for the very same reason, are heading the other way round. Filip Marczewski, an Oscar nominated director for his former short student film and cinematographer Szymon Lenkowski, have spent several months with their heroes.

Filip Marczewski

Filip Marczewski was born in 1974 in Lodz. Graduated from Humanities Department at the University of Warsaw and the Film Directing Department of the Lodz National Film School. Worked as TV reporter for a few years. His short student films, in particular ‘Melodrama’ (2005), have won a great number of awards at international film festivals. Assistent director on feature films: ‘Wojaczek’ dir. Lech Majewski, ‘Weiser’ dir. Wojciech Marczewski.

General sponsor

Jak w niebie

2008, 25', color, video

Directed by:
Filip Marczewski

Szymon Lenkowski

Edited by:
Wojciech Jagiello, Rafal Listopad

Maciej Mulawa

Beata Gzik

Produced by:
PWSFiTv. YES Production

Festivals & Awards:

2008 Krakow Film Festival – Best Cinematography