Happy Dox

Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?

Morgan Spurlock

Amazed by Osama bin Laden’s success at evading capture, gung-ho Spurlock sets out to locate the Al Qaeda leader in a manhunt that takes him to Egypt, Morocco, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and finally Pakistan. Bin Laden is always one step ahead, but along the way the documentarian forms a picture of the Middle Eastern populations whose fates are inextricably intertwined with those in the United States. Who are these people? What are the culture and socioeconomic determinants of radical fundamentalism? Who in the Middle East appreciates a good joke? Determined to get his man and some answers, Spurlock leaves no stone unturned. It’s dizzying to witness him ambling amiably into ultra Orthodox Israeli neighborhoods and a Saudi mosque, where God’s wrath is invoked against America, as well as the malls and supermarkets peopled by moderates who are seldom seen on the nightly news.


Morgan Spurlock

Morgan Spurlock is a New York-based Oscar-nominated director, writer, and producer. Born in 1970, he graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts with a degree in film in 1993. His first feature film Super Size Me (2004) won numerous awards and was nominated for Oscar. His credits include at ZagrebDox screened films Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden? (2008), The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (2011), Mansome (2012) and the FX series 30 Days (2005). He has directed and produced multiple film and television projects.

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Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden

France, USA
2007, 93', color, video

Directed by:
Morgan Spurlock

Screenplay by:
Jeremy Chilnick, Morgan Spurlock

Daniel Marracino

Edited by:
Julie 'Bob' Lombardi, Gavin Coleman

Stacey Offman, Morgan Spurlock

Produced by:
The Weinstein Company