Investigative journalist Monika Sieradzka travelled with two Swedish documentary filmmakers, Fredrik von Krusenstjerna and Richard Solarz, to Poland’s second-biggest city to find out who was involved in the mysterious deaths of ambulance patients. No one wanted to talk. No one, that is, until a man named Jacek Tomalski was arrested for trying to murder his competitor, the apparently squeaky-clean funeral director Witold Skrzydlewski. As a result of these events and for a small fee, a colleague from the funeral world named Wlodec Sumera was willing to explain how bereavement works in Lodz. It turns out that ambulance personnel were bribed to get hold of more dead people. This strategy stopped working when the competition began to offer the same ambulance workers substantial sums of money. Slowly but surely, Sieradzka and the filmmakers get people talking, even managing to film in places that would normally be off-limits, like the prison. 

Fredrik von Krusenstjerna

Fredrik von Krusenstjerna was born in Stockholm 1958. He studied directing at Columbia College Film School in Hollywood and has been working at the Swedish Television as editor, director and camera operator. Since 1987 Fredrik von Krusenstjerna has been working as an independent producer and director mainly with international productions.

Richard Solarz

Richard Solarz was born in Wroclaw, Poland in 1953 and emigrated to Sweden in 1969. He studied at the London International Film School 1975-78 and after that he worked at the Swedish Television as editor and photographer. Since 1986 he has been working as an independent filmmaker.

Monika Sieradzka

Monika Sieradzka is an investigative journalist.

General sponsor


2008, 95', color, 35 mm

Directed by:
Fredrik von Krusenstjerna, Richard Solarz, Monika Sieradzka

Richard Solarz, Sebastian Bienkow, Jan Röed, Artur Fratczak

Edited by:
Rochard SOlarz, Fredrik von Krusenstjerna, Anders Refn

Julius Hjart

Fredrik von Krusenstjerna

Produced by:
Fredrik von Krusenstjerna Filmproduction