Contemporary Israeli Documentary Films

The Key

Dan Geva, Noit Geva

When Margalit Zinati & Ilan Tuma fight, all the villagers know to keep away. They are fighting over what is to them the most precious thing on earth: the key to the 2000-year old Jewish Synagogue. A year ago, Margalit’s mother died at the age of 101, leaving her 76-year-old spinster daughter to fend for herself. To add to her misery, Ilan moves to her village, Pekiin – an ancient rural village in the Galille Mountains – claiming to be her successor. Since Margalit & Ilan’s grandfathers were brothers, Ilan believes he has the right to take away Margalit’s lifetime role as key-keeper of Pekiin’s ancient synagogue. Margalit on the other hand, states she would rather kill herself or give the key to Sadam Hussein before handing the key over to Ilan. As their dispute heats-up, a new synagogue is being built illegally next door to the ancient one. With this new threat on her life-long tradition, Margalit joins forces with her worst rival, Ilan, to defeat their mutual enemy.

Dan Geva

Dan Geva graduated The Jerusalem Film and Television School 1994. Together with his wife and film-partner, he worked on several awarded documentaries: ‘Jerusalem’, ‘Rhythms of A Distant City’, ‘Alaska The 7th Year’, ‘My Mother’s 1st Olympics’, ‘Take Now Your Son’, ‘Routine’ and ‘What I saw in Hebron’.

Noit Geva

Noit Geva received her Master degree in Communication at the Hebrew University Jerusalem in 1989. Together with her husband and film partner, she worked on several awarded documentaries: ‘Jerusalem’, ‘Rhythms of A Distant City’, ‘Alaska The 7th Year’, ‘My Mother’s 1st Olympics’, ‘Take Now Your Son’, ‘Routine’ and ‘What I saw in Hebron’.

General sponsor


2001, 56', color, video

Directed by:
Dan Geva, Noit Geva

Dan Geva

Edited by:
Noit Geva, Ron Omer

Dan & Noit Geva

Produced by:
Dan & Noit Geva

Festivals & Awards:

Astra Film Festival – Special Mention