Croatian Non-professional Documentary Film – a Retrospective

Revisions of Documentary Approach in Experimental Film from the ‘60s to the ‘80s

Ante Verzotti: Twist-Twist Split, 1962., 2’, bw

Mihovil Pansini: Dvorište
Zagreb, 1963., 14’, cb / bw

Tomislav Gotovac: Pravac ( Stevens – Duke )
Beograd - an author from Zagreb,, 1964., 7’; bw

Tomislav Gotovac: Plavi jahač ( Godard - art )
Beograd - an author from Zagreb, 1964., 16 mm, 14’; bw

Ivan Martinac: Mrtvi dan
Split, 1965., 8’, bw

Lordan Zafranović: Dragi Johny, kradu ti zlato
Split, 1966., 9’, bw

Ivan Faktor: Autoportret
Osijek, 1980.,10’, color, silent

Branko Karabatić: Kristina II
Split, 1985., 6’, color