6th ZagrebDox Juries and Awards


The Big Stamp in the 6th ZagrebDox International Competition went to the Chinese film 'Petition' by Zhao Liang. The best film in Regional Competition was the Italian entry 'Toto' by Peter Schreiner. A list of all the award-winning films follows…

International Jury

Ibtisam Salh Mara’ana, director
Branko Ivanda, director
Janko Heidl, film critic

Big Stamp - International Competition
Petition, Zhao Liang, China

Special Mentions - International Competition
Last Train Home, Lixin Fan, Canada / China
The Glass House, Hamid Rahmanian, USA / Iran

Regional Jury

Dragan Nikolić, director and screenwriter
Claas Danielsen, Head of DOK Leipzig
Goran Dević, DIRECTOR

Big Stamp – Regional Competition
Totò, Peter Schreiner, Austrija

Special Mention - Regional Competition
Guilty, Milica Đenić, Serbia

Young Jury

Matija Vukšić, student
Raul Brzić, student
Goran Čače, student

Little Stamp – Best Film by Young Author
Chasm, Wojciech Kasperski, Poland

Special Mention - Young Jury
Sanya and Sparrow, Andrey Gryazev, Russia

Movies That Matter Jury

Zoran Pusić, representative of the Civil Committee for Human Rights
Urša Raukar Gamulin, actress and human rights activist
Igor Galo, actor and director

Movies That Matter Award
Peticija / Petition, Zhao Liang, China

Special Mention - Movies That Matter
Zašto?, Ljubica Janković Lazarić, Croatia

T-Com Audience Award

People from the Milky Way, Miroslav Mikuljan, Croatia
The Destiny of Line 13, Irena Škorić, Croatia