International Competition

Between Dreams

Iris Olsson

A train heads out of a rundown station as night falls; passengers in the third-class sleeping car fall in and out of wakefulness. As the train makes its way across the barren Trans-Siberian landscape, incorporeal voices describe dreams, both hopeful and haunting. Which of these dreams will come true? In this poignant vignette, director Iris Olsson offers a window into the dreams and realities of these weary, traveling souls. A simple score of resonant piano chords adds both levity and depth as the cinematography envelops viewers in the dreary yet dreamlike space. ‘I don’t want to remember,’ remarks one woman. ‘Usually the unpleasant ones come true.’

Iris Olsson

Iris Olsson is a young awarded documentary filmmaker from Finland. She was born in Helsinki in 1981 and has studied producing and documentary film directing at the University of Art and Design Helsinki and holds a BA in Documentary directing. She has worked as a Freelancer in Finland in the field of television and film production. In the spring 2005 she held an extensive film workshop to young adults in the suburbs of Dakar, Senegal. At the moment she is working as a full time documentary director for the National Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE and finishing her Master Degree in Documentary directing in Helsinki. Filmography: ‘Flight’ (2004), 'Saly' (2005), ‘Tuesday’ (2006), ‘Summerchild’ (2007), ‘Between Dreams’ (2009).

General sponsor

Between Dreams

France, Russia, Finland
2009, 11', color, video

Directed by:
Iris Olsson

Screenplay by:
Iris Olsson

Natasha Pavlovskaya

Edited by:
Dimitris Tolios

Florian Krebs

Matthieu Darras

Produced by:
Nisimasa, Mirumir, Moviement

Festivals & Awards:

Tampere Short Film Festival - Honorary Mention; Nordisk Panorama - Special Jury Mention in the Category of Best Nordic Documentary