International Competition

Book of Miri

Katrine Philp

Miri lives on her own in the suburb of Linköping, Sweden. She works as a librarian. Every day she writes a personal blog. Takes photographs of herself and uploads them on the internet. She writes about the life she leads and shares her thoughts with the world around her. ‘Book of Miri’ is a film about having a double life, finding an identity, and above all about dreams.

Katrine Philp

Katrine Philp was born in 1978, Denmark. Former dancer and choreographer, Philp is a graduate in documentary direction from the National Film School of Denmark in 2009 and in film production design from the Danish Design School in 2003. Philp's documentary filmschool film 'Silence in a Noisy World' (2008) was winner of Rio de Janeiro's Audience Award. 'Book of Miri' (2009), her graduation documentary, selected for IDFA's Student Competition.

General sponsor

Book of Miri

2009, 28', color, video

Directed by:
Katrine Philp

Sophia Olsson

Edited by:
Signe Rebekka Kaufmann

Rasmus Abrahamsen

Produced by:
The National Film School of Denmark