International Competition


Pawel Lozinski

The filmmaker observes patients of an oncology clinic receiving chemotherapy, partly in intimate close-ups. Their hours-long conversations held to spend the time before the next medical session is over bring the picture of ordinary life suddenly interrupted by an incomprehensible, unrecognized force overshadowing everything.


Pawel Lozinski

Paweł Łoziński is a director, scriptwriter and producer of documentary and fiction films born in 1965 in Warsaw. He earned his degree from the Film Directing Department of Łódź Film School. His documentary films include Chemo (2009), Kitty, Kitty (2008), Between the Doors (2004), The Way It Is (1999), Sisters (1999), Birthplace (1992). Documentary film Father and Son was screened in the International Competition of 2014 ZagrebDox. For his films, he has won prestigious awards at festivals in Bornholm, Paris, Leipzig and Krakow.

General sponsor


2009, 58', color, video

Directed by:
Pawel Lozinski

Screenplay by:
Pawel Lozinski

Kacper Lisowski

Edited by:
Katarzyna Maciejko-Kowalczyk, Dorota Wardeszkiewicz

Pawel Lozinski

Produced by:
Pawel Lozinski Produkcja Filmow

Festivals & Awards:

49th Krakow Film Festival - Silver Hobby Horse; Prix Europa - Grand Prix; DOK Leipzig - MDR Award