International Competition

Countryside 35x45

Evgenij Solomin

Lyutikov travels in Siberian villages photographing people, for the authorities have decided to replace old Soviet passports with new Russian ones. He shoots men in front of a sheet nailed to a barn wall and hangs the sheet in the village hall for women. In Russia, a person without a passport isn’t really a person; you can’t even buy a train ticket. Then again, if you haven’t been paid in money in eight years, where would you go? ‘Countryside 35 x 45’ is a cinematographically and dramaturgically wonderful, touching and humorous film about people living between two eras. The sounds of early morning tell of an archaic coexistence of people and farm animals that the country folk struggle with. At a wedding party they immerse themselves in dance. The metaphorical force of the film culminates in images of burning Soviet passports, with the old photos staring out, as if asking ‘What now, Russia?’

Evgenij Solomin

Evgeny Solomin was born in 1972 in Kaluga Sity, Russia. He is the script writer, director and editor. In 1995 he graduated at Novosibirsk State University, Department of Russian Language and Literature and in 1998 he graduated in Higher Courses for Directing and Script Writing (Moscow), Department of Documentary Directing. Filmography: ‘½ Weeks in Paradise’ (1997), ‘Katorga’ (2001), ‘Countryside 35x45’ (2009).

General sponsor

Glubinka 35x45

2009, 43', color, video

Directed by:
Evgenij Solomin

Screenplay by:
Evgeniy Solomin

Ponomaryov Vladimir

Edited by:
Evgeniy Solomin

Pavlov Konstantin, Solomina Elizaveta

Produced by:
Kino-Siberia Film Production Company