International Competition


Giannis Misouridis

This documentary examines the feeling of rootlessness by filming a bus journey to an unknown destination, undertaken by a woman in mourning. The camera records the sorrow on her face and how she agitatedly smokes a cigarette as she stands in a doorway, waiting for the bus. For a long time, it remains unclear where she is and where she is traveling to. Is she in a city in Japan? The Middle East? It could even be Southern Europe. The answer is revealed when another passenger says a few words in Greek. Clad in a black hat, the woman seems unaware of the camera during her short journey on the bus. Other passengers look around curiously, but they ignore the weeping woman. After a little while, the wo- man gets off and makes a quick dash for another bus. It is still raining. In Malakasa - the titles inform us - the woman alights and hurries, singing, to a cemetery, where we find out who she is crying for.

Giannis Misouridis

Giannis Misouridis is cinematographer of documentary films for the fifteen years. For the last three years he is working as a film director. Filmography: ‘The Meeting’ (2007), ‘Grey Zone’ (2007), ‘Mieko’ (2009).

General sponsor


2009, 12', color, video

Directed by:
Giannis Misouridis

Screenplay by:
Giannis Missouridis

Giannis Missouridis

Edited by:
Giannis Missouridis

Giannis Missouridis

Maria Gentekou

Produced by:
Portolanos Films