International Competition

Northern Lights

Kristoffer Kiørboe

Two brothers embark on a journey north to find the northern lights, but what they’re really searching for is each other and the intimacy they once shared. Somehow, though, smiles turn into silence. Samuel, the older brother, is brain-damaged and the younger brother, Simon, has an important decision to make concerning himself and Samuel, but Simon’s efforts to get through to his brother seem to be in vain. Simon and Samuel set off to find the northern lights. But how do you find the northern lights, and how do you find the light within yourself?

Kristoffer Kiørboe

Kristoffer Kiørboe is born in 1979, Denmark. He is musician and director in various media and actor in commercials, short films and TV-series before training at the National Film School of Denmark, from where he graduated in documentary direction in 2009. His graduation film ‘Northern Lights’ is selected for IDFA’s Student Competition. ‘Ángel’ is the title of his pitch for a project which brought him a Special Mention at Nordic Talents 2009.

General sponsor

Northern Lights

2009, 27', color, video

Directed by:
Kristoffer Kiørboe

Screenplay by:
Kristoffer Kløboe

Martin Munch

Edited by:
Peter Winther

Rasmus Kastberg

Produced by:
The National Film School of Denmark

Festivals & Awards:

Nordic Talent Festival - Special Mention