International Competition

Peter in Radioland

Johanna Wagner

Peter is filmmaker Johanna Wagner’s father, a likeable hermit whose flat is full of old radios. Peter is depressed. He sees himself in melancholy defense against the great wide world outside with its epidemic proliferation of digital sounds. This is manifested, among other things, by the fact that he has tuned his various analogue radios to only one station each: one radio station, one receiving station. After all, he really needs only half a dozen wavelengths at most. Analogue radio signals are transmitted as continuous airwaves that are, however, susceptible to interference. For anyone who grew up in the pre-digital age of radio, it was a natural part of this cultural technique to get up from time to time and adjust the tuning of the selected program. The melancholic little radioland that Peter has built in his flat keeps him on the move.

Johanna Wagner

Johanna Wagner grew up in Sweden and was introduced to film at an early age by her father and his Super 8 camera. Having completed a BA in English Literature and a year long course in documentary making in 2005, Johanna worked on a number of projects in Sweden. In 2008 Johanna moved to Scotland to complete a Masters degree in Film Directing at Edinburgh College of Art. She made an experimental 5-minute short film ‘The Red Dot Syndrome’. Her graduation film was 8-minute experimental documentary ‘The Inner Shape’. Shortly after graduating Johanna filmed ‘Bridging the Gap’ and ‘Peter in Radioland’.

General sponsor

Peter in Radioland

Scotland, Great Britain
2008, 10', color, video

Directed by:
Johanna Wagner

Screenplay by:
Johanna Wagner

Johanna Wagner

Edited by:
Mark Jenkins

Matt Hulse

Rebecca Day

Produced by:
Scottish Documentary Institute

Festivals & Awards:

Winner of Edinburgh International - Best Scottish Short Film Award 2009