International Competition

The Arrivals

Claudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard

They come every day from Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Congo, Eritrea. The whole families come, with or without luggage, with or without passports; they arrive with charter flights, by buses, by ships. Among them there are pregnant women, young couples, old people. They arrive both with fear and hope. The waves of nations that seem as a menace to flood the unusual new Babylon, converge in the middle of Paris, in the organization that helps them to orientate and survive. And right there, at the ‘gates of heaven’, for many of them, the two ‘angels’ stand - Caroline and Colette. With the two of them the story of the clash of cultures, customs and needs starts. This brings many of them to tears and despair, and some others to bliss and happiness. But this is also the story of ‘angels’ who do not have anyone to complain to.


Claudine Bories

Claudine Bories began her career in theatre. In 1968, she directed her first of many future documentaries. Between 1990 and 2002, she helped run a creative centre dedicated to documentary cinema in Seine Saint Denis, and started the Documentary Cinema Meetings.


Patrice Chagnard

Patrice Chagnard studied Philosophy at the Sorbonne. Since 1977, he’s dedicated himself to directing documentaries. He was president at Addoc, a group that brings together French documentarists. Their film Arrivals was screened  in the International Competition of ZagrebDox 2010.

General sponsor

Les Arrivants

2009, 111', color, video

Directed by:
Claudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard

Screenplay by:
Claudine Bories, Patrice Chagnard

Patrice Chagnard

Edited by:
Stéphanie Goldschmit

Serge Lalou

Produced by:
Les films d'ici, Les films du Parotier, AMIP

Festivals & Awards:

DOK Leipzig - Golden Dove Award for The Best Film, Ecumenical Jury Prize; International Film Festival WATCH DOCS - Best Film