International Competition


Supriyo Sen

Each night the only border crossing between India and Pakistan on a 1000 km stretch becomes the sight of an extraordinary event. Thousands of people gather to witness the ritual closing of the border, after which the masses get as close as possible to the gate to greet their former neighbors. This ‘festival’ is therefore on the one hand a celebration of the partition, but on the other hand also the only connecting element. What do the terms separation, home and proximity mean to the people on both sides? Three kids who are selling DVDs at the parade bring us closer to the truth.

Supriyo Sen

Supriyo Sen lives and works as a screenwriter and director in Calcutta and Delhi. His latest film, ‘Wagah’, is the third installment of a trio that includes the documentaries ‘Way Back Home’ (2003) and ‘Hope Dies Last’ (2006), treating the theme of the partition of India and Pakistan. His feature film debut is currently in the works.

General sponsor


Germany, India, Pakistan
2009, 14', color, video

Directed by:
Supriyo Sen

Screenplay by:
Supriyo Sen

Ranu Ghosh, Najaf Bilgrami

Edited by:
Szilvia Ruszev

Henning Kamm, Fabian Gasmi

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

Berlinale, 2009 - Today Award; Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, 2009 - Crystal Globe; Kurz Film Festival Hamburg, 2009 - Audience Award, Jury Prize Winner; Krakow International Film Festival, 2009 - Special Mention of the Jury; Pärnu International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival, 2009 - Best Documentary; Uppsala International Short Film Festival, 2009 - Special Mention of the Jury, Audience Award; Huesca Film Festival, 2009 - Special Mention of the Jury; Middle East International Film Festival, 2009 - Black Pearl Award for Best Documentary; Exground Wiesbaden 2009 - Special Mention of the Jury; Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, 2009 - Audience Award; Zinebi Bilbao, 2009 - Grand Prize