Regional Competition

Invisible Galleries

Željko Kipke

This film takes us for a short walk through Zagreb, to the locations where the art climate in Croatia became more radical between the 1970s and 1990s. Of six former galleries/institutions that, in the author’s opinion, shaped up the modern artistic practice in Croatia, only the Modern Art Museum and the Gallery of Extended Media still exist, having moved to new locations.

Željko Kipke

Željko Kipke was born in Čakovec in 1953. He took his degree in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb (1971- 1976). He attended the Master Painters’ Workshop in Zagreb (1976-1981). His works were shown on te collective exhibition in Artists Space in New York in 1989. In 1991 he stayed in Marseilles where he had his one-man exhibition. His paintings were bought for the Peter Stuyvesant Collection in Amsterdam, FRAC Collection in Toulouse (Les Abbatoirs) and for Museum der Moderner Kunst in Vienna. He represented Croatia on the Biennale of Venice in 1993 and on the Biennale of Cairo in 1995. He writes essays and reviews about experimental film and the world of painting in daily press and periodicals. His films include: ‘Some Girls’ (1980-2003), ‘The Great White Spiral’ (1982-2003), ‘Summoning The Rain’ (1983-2003), ‘The Tonsure Of The Cross’ (1983/84-2003), ‘The Black Square’ (1984-2003), ‘Black Blacker Than Black’ (1985-2003).

General sponsor

Nevidljive galerije

2009, 22', color, video

Directed by:
Željko Kipke

Screenplay by:
Željko Kipke

Vedran Šamanović

Edited by:
Staša Čelan

Vera Robić-Škarica

Produced by:
Hrvatski filmski savez