Regional Competition

My Beautiful Dacia

Julio Soto, Stefan Constantinescu

‘My Beautiful Dacia’ is a light hearted and humoristic portrayal of the evolution of Romania from Communism to Capitalism, seen through the eyes of its most emblematic symbol, the Dacia automobile. In our film, we will follow different generations of Romanians - from the old nostalgic to the young entrepreneurs - showing the present transformation of Romanian society. The connecting point between the different stories is always the Dacia car: first, a symbol of the ambitions of Communist technology and now a reflection of the new global economy. In 1999, Dacia was bought by Renault and nowadays it’s a best-selling car in developing markets.

Julio Soto

Julio Soto is born in Spain, he moved to NY in 1998 where he began a career as a filmmaker, playing a key role in advertising and music video projects. A nomination for the MTV awards was followed by numerous awards for his films in festivals such as Clermont-Ferrand and Oberhausen.

Stefan Constantinescu

Stefan Constantinescu is a Romanian filmmaker and artist that lives in Sweden. His films ‘My Generation’, ‘The Passage’ or ‘The Baron’ have been shown at film festivals such as TIFF in Cluj, Thessaloniki Intl. FF, the Göteborg IFF and the 8th Rencontres Internationales Paris/ Berlin.

General sponsor

Dacia, Dragostea Mea

Spain, Romania
2009, 74', color, video

Directed by:
Julio Soto, Stefan Constantinescu

Screenplay by:
Julio Soto, Stefan Constantinescu

Alexander Strikich

Edited by:
Julio Soto

Julio Soto, Alexandru Solomon

Produced by:
The ThinkLab, Hi Film Productions