Regional Competition

THe Square / 20th Century on Film

Hrvoje Juvančić

The experimental documentary film ‘The Square / 20th Century On Film’ explores directing, screenwriting and dramaturgical options in recycling fragmented footages from film archives. The film is based on two and a half hours of documentary and archive footage of Zagreb’s central point – Ban Jelačić Square, made from 1915 and 1981. Through reductions and derivations carried out by 6 coscreenwriters, the original material that included documentaries, newsreels, fragments and 16mm TV reports has been reduced to 27 minutes of experimental documentary film. Out of this, two minutes of essential takes of the square throughout the 20th century has been derived in the end.


Hrvoje Juvančić

Hrvoje Juvančić (1967.), graduated journalist and TV director, Head of the Croatian film and TV Directors Guild, is a well known Croatian documentarist. During the last 18 years, he made 37 film & TV documentaries and hundreds of reportages and news features. His artistic preocupations are stories about people with extraordinary destinies, and he often films documentaries about political, social and cultural problems.

General sponsor

Trg / 20. stoljeće na filmu

2009, 27', color, video

Directed by:
Hrvoje Juvančić

Screenplay by:
Hrvoje Juvančić, Ivan Vidić, Ivan Marušić Klif, Davorka Feller, Ognjen Čaldarović, Joško Juvančić, Lala Raščić

arhivski materijali / archive footage

Edited by:
Hrvoje Juvančić, Davorka Feller, Damir Čučić, Ivan Marušić Klif

Sonja Leboš

Produced by:
Udruga za interdisciplinarna i intelektualna istraživanja