
Category: Optimist

Lana Šarić

Is it more important to clean up your apartment or to go out on a perfect sunny and warm day? What is really important in our lives? Can optimism be learnt? ‘Category: Optimist’ is a film about facing a potentially lethal disease – leukemia – and everything that goes with it after treatment. If patients manage to live, due to a fortunate combination of medical science, doctors’ efforts, family and friends and their own persistence, their life will change. While facing the challenges ahead, the most important thing is to be an optimist.

Lana Šarić

Lana Šarić was born in Zagreb in 1983. She obtained her degree in dramaturgy at the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts. She is a playwright and a TV script writer and a theater producer. ‘Category: Optimist’ is the first film she has directed. She likes to sail in her free time.

General sponsor

Klasa optimist

2010, 58', color, video

Directed by:
Lana Šarić

Screenplay by:
Lana Šarić

Damir Kudin

Edited by:
Ivana Rogić

Dario Hajsek

Nenad Puhovski

Produced by: