Happy Dox


Marko Škop

The mayor of Osadne, Mr. Ladislav Mikulasko, is a political record-holder. He has held the position of the village boss for a respectful thirty-six years. His spiritual counterpart, the Orthodox priest, Peter Soroka, has buried fifty people and christened two children over the past five years. The mayor and priest have decided to fight for the survival of the village, together with their wives who are their important shadow advisors

Marko Škop

Marko Škop is born in 1974, Prešov, Slovakia. Graduated from Commenius University in Bratislava (FiFUK) in 1996 at the department of Journalism and Documentary film directing from the Academy of Music Arts in Bratislava (VŠMU) in 2001. Together with Ján Meliš, he established the independent company Artileria where he produces both his own films and those of his partners. His feature film debut as director/producer, ‘Other Worlds,’ won a Special Jury Mention at the 2006 Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and was the first ever documentary in the festival’s history to win the Audience Award.

General sponsor


Czech Republic, Slovakia
2009, 65', 35 mm

Directed by:
Marko Škop

Screenplay by:
Marko Škop

Ján Meliš

Edited by:
František Krähenbiel

Marko Škop, Ján Meliš, František Krähenbiel, Filip Remunda

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2009 - Best documentary film; One World Film Festival Bratislava 2009 - Audience award