Musical Globe

Complaints Choir

Ada Bligaard Søby

What are you complaining about? This is the question that two Finnish artists have journeyed out to ask people in all four corners of the world in documentary director Ada Bligaard Søby’s docu-musical. Their aim is not to pour salt in the wounds of the world’s grumpy complainers, but to let everyone vent their dissatisfaction about everything from parking fines to climate change in a liberating chorus of whining harmonies. We are taken to places such as Chicago and Singapore, and even if the cultures vary, it’s obvious that complaining is a basic human trait, and it is tackled with a deadpan approach by the two Finns.

Ada Bligaard Søby

Ada Bligaard Søby is born in Denmark in 1975. Studied film at the School Of Visual Arts in New York City and photography at Fatamorgana in Copenhagen. Worked as an assistant to photographers Terry Richardson and Francois Halard in New York City. Her documentary films ‘American Losers’ with music by Devendra Banhart and ‘A Place To Bury Strangers’ were in competition at Nordic Panorama Film Festival, CPH:DOX and Cinequest Film Festival . Her 2007 short fiction ‘Meet Me In Berlin’ starred Norman Reedus. ‘Complaints Choir’ is her first feature film.

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Complaints Choir

Denmark, USA, Finland
2009, 56', color, video

Directed by:
Ada Bligaard Søby

Screenplay by:
Ada Bligaard Søby

Josh Nussbaum

Edited by:
Charlotte Munch Bengtsen


Morten Kjems Juhl

Produced by:
Fine & Mellow