Musical Globe

When I Turn into Severina

Darko Drinovac

The film covers the fuss about Severina’s big concert that took place in Belgrade on October 17, 2009 and attracted the audience of some 20,000. The film depicts Severina’s relations with her associates, her preparations for the concert, her character and socializing with people before and after a big concert like the one in Belgrade was.

Darko Drinovac

Darko Drinovac obtained his degree in cinematography, he is a director of photography on feature films, drama series, documentaries, music and commercial films. He is a long-time associate at the Ante Peterlić School of Media Culture. He won Porin Award for Best Video Film in 2009 (‘Hypnotized’ with Dino Dvornik).

General sponsor

Kad se pretvorim u Severinu

2010, 37', bw, video

Directed by:
Darko Drinovac

Tomislav Pović, Darko Drinovac

Edited by:
Damir Čučić

Produced by:
Produkcija D.D.